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  • Fang forced a smile and nodded.
    Need a hand? Fang asked.
  • The tentacle started to pull him across the floor.
    With a tentacle it batted him out of the way.
  • Don't move, not one muscle, not so much as a whisker.
    Liam's face had evidence of whisker burn, his lips.
  • From atop the trunk, she.
    She keeps it in the trunk.
  • He could sell fur coats to.
    Though the dog’s fur is.
  • Th ey were where the cloven hoof.
    We’ll have to hoof it from here.
  • It is easier swimming underwater.
    The trees were all underwater now.
  • They did not move a scale.
    On a scale too immense.
  • I was not going to die here, at the hand of Jacob Gill.
    Fred Gill, MD, helped me understand Phil’s head injury.
  • I hear the train horn.
    Horn did not even nod.
  • The hard shell of emotion.
    It had part of a shell.
  • Kill her with your beak.
    She whacked my beak, my head.
  • Harvey gave Silas the feather.
    Her own had a feather in it.
  • Troy and Lee laid Fin on the sand.
    You saw what happened to Fin.
  • BaacCeth Talon, noted hypnotist and mind manipulator.
    A scarlet-tipped talon stabbed into the keypad.
  • It is never an easy tusk, even the most experienced options traders.
    That is which have claw, fang or tusk, they hurt by nature.
  • That’s what the boar’s snout means.
    CTS snout up the trunk of a black DTS.
  • The dog wagged his tail.
    One didn't have a tail.
  • You gotta claw your way up.
    A claw appeared on the right side.
  • I couldnt put my paw on it.
    I stomped my right paw on.