
Review for the year 2022

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  • How many matzos do we have at the seder?
  • In what month is Rosh Hashana?
  • Can you push a stroller over the grass on Shaboss?
  • What is the book called that we use during the Seder?
  • Give examples of actives that aren't allowed on Shaboss
    turning on lights, cooking, driving, using electronic such as a phone or tablet
  • How many brachos are said the first night of Chanukah?
  • What two mitzvos are done on shaboss that fall under the catergory of remembering shaboss?
    Kiddush and Havdalah
  • What are the 2 different ways that the Torah tells us about Shaboss?
    Zachor to remember Shaboss and Shomer to protect Shaboss
  • Shavous we have a minhag to eat what type of food
  • The act of searaching for the Chametz is called
    Bedikatz Chametz
  • Can you break branches off the tree even if they are dead?
  • What is the source for the 39 Melachos?
    How the Mishkan was bulit
  • Name the 4 mitzvos of Purim
    Mishlach manos, Megillah, Matnos L'evyonim, Mishteah
  • The act of burning the Chametz is called
    Beuar Chametz
  • What is Mutzkah?
    Items that should be put aside before shaboss
  • For how many days do we count the Omer?
    49 days
  • On Chanukah how do we light the candles?
    we light from left to right
  • When there is leap year in the calendar what is the extra month called?
  • Can I go to the beach on Shaboss to dig holes int the sand?
  • If you are unsure about a halacha who should you ask?
    Parent, Rabbi, Teacher
  • Who was the father of the Shevatim
  • Are women obligated to sit in the Sukkah ?
  • Can you sweep a wooden floor on shaboss?
  • Name the 5 books of the Torah
    Bershisis, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
  • Which fast is when they surrounded the wall?
    Asara B'teves
  • On Yom Kippur it custom to wear what color?
  • How many books are there in the Torah?
    5 books
  • How many Shevatim are there?
  • How many Melcachos are there?
  • Are women obligated to hear the Megillah on Purim?