
Vocabulary 3

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  • Hoof: the hard covering on the feet of some animals
    2: The horse have hoof
  • Fang: a long. pointed tooth of an animal
    2. The fang is dangerous
  • Gill: an organ that allows fish and some other aquatic animals to obtain oxygen from water
    2: My fish have a Gill
  • Trunk: the long nose of an elephant
    2: The elephant have a trunk
  • Fin: a flat body part attached to a fish or marine mammal that helps in swimming
    2: The shark pulls out it fin
  • Whisker: a long, stiff hair that grows on the face of some mammals
    2: My cat have a big whisker
  • Paw: the foot of an animals
    2: The paw of the cat is smooth
  • Underwater: under the surface of the water
    2: My fish are underwater
  • Tusk: a long, pointed tooth
    2: the tusks of the walrus are big
  • Horn: a hard, hollow, pointed growth, usually one of a pair, on the head of animals
    2: The bull use a horn for protection
  • Feather: one of the light flluffy part that cover a bird´s body
    2. My bird have a many feathers
  • Tail: a body part, often long and slender, that sticks out at the back of an animal and can move freely
    2. My dog have a large tail
  • Snout: the part of and animal´s head
    2: My dog has a snout wet
  • Shell: the hard, protective covering of eggs, animals and nuts
    2: The shell in the turtle help a protection
  • Scale: each of the small, thin plates protecting the skin of fish
    2: The fish have scale
  • Talon: the sharp claw of and eagle or other bird
    2: The eagle have a dangerous talon
  • Beak: the hard, pointed part of the mouth of a bird
    2: My bird eat for the beak
  • Claw: a sharp, cruved nail on the foot of a mammal, reptile or bird
    2: My dog have a dangerous claw
  • Tentacle: one of the long appendages of octopuses and other animals
    2: The octopus have a 8 tentacle
  • Fur: the thick, soft coat of hair that covers some mammals
    2: the sheep has a lot of fur