
Personal Characteristics

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  • unpretentious
    simple and/or sincere; not pretentious; not trying to impress.
  • stand-offish
    behaving in a slightly unfriendly and too formal way, distant, cold, aloof.
  • uptight
    worried or nervous and not able to relax: tense, impatient
  • laid-back
    relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done
  • sensible
    (of a statement or course of action) chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit; rational OR having an understanding of a situation:
  • lively
    full of life and energy; active and outgoing.
  • tolerant
    showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
  • open-minded
    willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own:
  • level-headed
    calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations
  • dependable
    If someone or something is dependable, you can have confidence in him, her, or it:
  • down-to-earth
    with no illusions or pretensions; practical and realistic
  • caring
    A caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others:
  • sensitive
    easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed, or angry or understanding what other people need, and being helpful
  • self-centered
    caring only about yourself; self-absorbed:
  • trustworthy
    able to be trusted, reliable