
C1 Error Correction - Holes

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  • After run away from the Warden, he slipped onto the bus unnoticed.
    After running away from the Warden, he slipped onto the bus unnoticed. / After he ran away from the Warden, he slipped onto the
  • When campers digging, they building character, but when they learning to read, they preparing for future jobs.
    When campers are digging, they're building character, but when they're learning to read, they're preparing for future jobs.
  • Zero considered go to the city or go back to camp.
    Zero considered going to the city or going back to camp. / Zero considered whether he should go to the city or back to camp.
  • A correctional facility can near a city.
    A correctional facility can be near a city.
  • Many characters, sample the Warden, only care about themselves.
    Many characters, for example, the Warden, only care about themselves.
  • Mr Pendanski pretends to respect the campers but later mistreats them, same the Warden.
    Mr Pendanski pretends to respect the campers but later mistreats them, like the Warden.
  • Zero a same Stanley because they were both at the wrong place at the wrong time.
    Zero is the same as Stanley because they were both at the wrong place at the wrong time. / Zero and Stanley are similar because...
  • Many people think Zero is stupid but they wrong.
    Many people think Zero is stupid but they're wrong.
  • Although Zero never learned how to read, but he is actually quite smart.
    Although Zero never learned how to read, he is actually quite smart.
  • Zero a same Sam because they both never learned to read.
    Zero is the same as Sam because they both never learned to read. / Zero is similar to Sam because they both never learned to read.
  • There is a curse on Green Lake, same there is a curse on the Yelnatses.
    There is a curse on Green Lake, similar to how there is a curse on the Yelnatses. / how... / ...similarly,...
  • Because Zero absent, there is space for a new camper.
    Because Zero is absent, there is space for a new camper.
  • There are many characters who face discrimination in the story--sample Sam.
    There are many characters who face discrimination in the story--Sam, for example.
  • The campers should spend some time doing works, and some time studying.
    The campers should spend some time doing work, and some time studying.