
Closed Questions and Short Answers

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  • Has the teacher got blue eyes?
    Yes, he/she has OR No, he/she hasn't
  • Does school finish at quarter to three?
    Yes, it does OR No, it doesn't
  • Are we studying English?
    Yes, we are
  • Does the girl play piano?
    Yes, she does
  • Is it raining?
    Yes, it is OR No, it isn't
  • Does school start at 8 o'clock?
    Yes, it does OR No, it doesn't
  • Do you wear glasses?
    Yes, I do OR No, I don't
  • Are bats mammals?
    Yes, they are
  • Are the lights on?
    Yes, they are OR No, they aren't
  • Is there a computer in this classroom?
    Yes, there is or No, there isn't
  • Have you got any pets?
    Yes, I have OR No, I haven't
  • Have you got long hair?
    Yes, I have OR No, I haven't
  • Can fish walk?
    No, they can't
  • Are there any chairs in this classroom?
    Yes, there are OR No, there aren't
  • Do you take the bus to school?
    Yes, I do OR No, I don't
  • Does the teacher go to school by motorbike?
    Yes, he/she does OR No, he/she doesn't
  • Do tigers eat watermelon?
    No, they don't
  • Do you brush your teeth three times a day?
    Yes, I do OR No, I don't
  • Are bananas blue?
    No, they aren't
  • Does the boy have an umbrella?
    Yes, he does
  • Do you usually have a shower in the morning?
    Yes, I do OR No, I don't
  • Does Rafa Nadal play rugby?
    No, he doesn't
  • Does the man watch TV?
    Yes, he does
  • Do cats have wings?
    No, they don't
  • Do we celebrate Halloween in July?
    No, we don't