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  • How much can an ant lift?
    50 times its body weight
  • How do ants let the other ants know where they have found food?
    They leave a scent trail
  • Why do ants have wars?
  • Are there more humans or ants?
  • How can an insect avoid the notice of army ants?
    By staying completely still
  • What do ants farm?
    small insects and fungus
  • Why do ants have wars?
  • how do ants fight?
  • Why don't humans have a hive mind?
  • Why are army ants so dangerous to insects?
  • Why do ants have wars?
  • how do ant colonies protect themselves from army ants?
  • Why do army ants not notice insects that stay completely still?
  • Do ants live alone?
  • how do ant colonies protect themselves from army ants?
  • Why don't army ants attack each other?
  • how do ants fight?
  • how do ants fight?
  • how do ants fight?
  • how do ant colonies protect themselves from army ants?