
A Level Story Review

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  • What almost hits Tim and Anna
    A taxi almost hits them!
  • How many gorillas are in this family?
  • Where do Tim and Anna go?
    They go to a roller disco!
  • Where does Anna live?
    She lives in an apartment!
  • What animals are on Tim's farm?
    Horses, ducks, sheep, chickens...are on Tim's farm!
  • What are Tim and Anna drinking?
    They are drinking a Timbuktu Twist (smoothie)!
  • What kind of ape is this?
    It's a chimpanzee!
  • Where are Tim and Anna?
    They are on the subway!
  • What is Anna riding?
    She is riding a pony!
  • Where is Tim going?
    Tim is going to the city!
  • What does a gorilla do when their family is in danger?
    They roar!!!!
  • What can Anna hear at night?
    She can hear an owl!
  • What is the name of this ape?
    It's an orangutan!
  • Where are Tim and Anna going?
    They are going to the countryside!
  • What do gorillas eat!
    They eat plats and fruit!
  • What can Tim hear at night!
    He can hear motorcycles, police cars, and fire engines!
  • How does a mother gorilla carry its baby?
    It carries the baby her back!
  • What are Tim and Anna doing?
    They are fishing!
  • What can you see in Anna's apartment?
    I can see a cat, fruit, sofa.....
  • What is the name of this father gorilla?
    It's a Silverback Gorilla!
  • Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
    I prefer the...