
Vocabulary challenge

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  • Marinēti pipari, маринованный перец
    pickled peppers
  • Which is written correctly: 1. draught, 2. drought, 3. draught
    2. drought
  • Noon
  • Translate: Šodien ir miglains, bet karsts.
    It is foggy but hot today.
  • īslaicīgas lietusgāzes, ливень
  • Translate: I bet you can do this!
    Varu saderēt, ka tu šo vari paveikt!
  • sniega vētra, cнежная буря
  • What is - drought?
    sausums, засуха
  • Translate: Take your time. There is a week for this work.
    Nesteidzies. Šim darbam tev ir nedēļa.
  • Translate: I guess it could be a strawberry.
    Man šķiet, ka tā varētu būt zemene.
  • What is - gloomy?
    drūms, хмурый
  • American date: 1/31/1900
    January the thirty-first, nineteen hundred
  • Translate: Do you work around the clock?
    Vai jūs strādājat visu diennakti?
  • What object has hands?
  • Read: ə lɒt ɒv ˈkʌntriz feɪs draʊt ˈɛvri jɪə.
    A lot of countries face drought every year.
  • ledaini auksts laiks, морозная погода
    freezing cold
  • Spell: lēkšana ar gumiju, прыжки на эластичном канате
    bungee jumping
  • British date: 30/09/1908
    the thirtieth of September, nineteen o eight
  • Read: ˈkɑːnɪvəl ɪn ˈvɛnɪs ɪz ˈɔːgənaɪzd ɪn ˈfɛbrʊəri.
    Carnival in Venice is organized in February.
  • 12:50
    ten to one; twelve fifty
  • Correct mistakes: I loves really to playing cards.
    I really love to play cards.
  • Correct mistakes: His are a professional ice-hockey player.
    He is a professional ice-hockey player.
  • 8:30
    half past eight; eight thirty
  • Translate: It is 5 pm already. Let's call it a day!
    Ir jau 17:00. Šodien beigsim darbu.