
Q2 7th grade Review

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  • What do vaccines do?
    Prevent illnesses
  • What is chemical energy?
    Energy stored in matter
  • Give an example of something which has luminous energy.
    lightbulb, electronic screens, lamp, flashlight, fire, the sun, lava, etc.
  • Name 3 bones found in my arm/hands.
    Humerus, Radius. Ulna, Meta carpals, carpals, Phalanges
  • Which system is involved in the 2nd stage of the interaction function?
    Nervous system
  • Name the 3 types of medicine which help humans.
    Vaccine, painkillers, antibiotics
  • What are the 2 types of mixtures?
    Heterogeneous and homogeneous.
  • What is a heterogeneous mixture? Give 5 examples.
    A mixture where the components are not uniform and are visible. E.g.,pizza, cereal, salad, hamburger, garbage, pencil case, etc.
  • What is the formula for density?
    Mass divided by volume
  • What are the 3 types of bones?
    Long, short, flat
  • Give an example of something which has electrical energy.
    phone, computer, ps4, headphones, mouse, microphone, etc
  • In static electricity, which charges attract and which repel?
    Like charges repel, and opposite charges attract.
  • Illness or symptom: Headache.
  • In a circuit, conducting cables do what?
    Allow the electrical current to flow to the different components.
  • The effects of heat can be evidenced in 2 ways:
    By contact or at a distance
  • What is a homogeneous mixture? Give 5 examples.
    A mixture where the components are uniform and not visible. E.g., Plastic, glass, orange juice, liquid soap, soy sauce, paper, coffee, hot chocolate, etc
  • In a circuit, receptors do what?
    Recieve the electrical current and use it.
  • Name 5 renewable sources
  • Give an example of something which has thermal energy.
    fire, the sun, humans, lava, hot water, steam, computers and phones which have been on too long.
  • Name 2 contagious illnesses.
    COVID, AIDS, flu, cold, etc
  • What is the difference between an infectious illness and a contagious illness?
    Infectious illnesses are caused by one of the 4 infectious agents, contagious illnesses can be passed to someone healthy
  • Name 2 infectious illnesses
    COVID, AIDS, SALMONELLA, flu, cold, tetanus, etc
  • Name 3 non renewable sources
    Coal , Oil, Gas, Nuclear
  • What do antibiotics do?
    Cure infections
  • What is volume?
    The amount space an object occupies.
  • What is density?
    The relationship between the mass and volume of an object.
  • What is electrical energy?
    Energy of electricity and its movements
  • What are the two types of changes matter can go through?
    Physical and chemical
  • What does the interaction function do for us?
    Allows us to interact and respond to stimuli in our surroundings.
  • Sound travels best through which state of matter?
  • What are the 3 stages of the interaction function?
    Detect stimuli, Generate orders, Respond to orders
  • Illness or symptom: COVID
  • What is magnetic energy?
    Energy of metals which attract
  • In a circuit, a generator does what?
    Generates the electrical current contained in the circuit
  • Name 5 chemical changes.
    Burning paper, metabolism, photosynthesis, combustion, explosions, Oxidization
  • Give an example of something which has kinetic energy.
    Person walking, plane flying, car driving, ball rolling, sound, anything moving.
  • In a circuit, a switch does what?
    Turns off the current
  • Which system is involved in the 3rd stage of the interaction function?
    Locomotor system
  • What is mass?
    The amount of matter in an object
  • What are the 4 infectious agents which enter our bodies?
    Fungi, Protozoa, bacteria, virus
  • Give an example of something which has chemical energy.
    oil, coal, gas, food, fireworks, explosives, combustibles
  • Name 3 bones found in my leg/foot
    Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Meta tarsals, Phalanges
  • In magnetism, which charges attract and which repel?
    Like poles repel, and opposite poles attract.
  • What is kinetic energy?
    Energy of movement
  • Which system is involved in the 1st stage of the interaction function?
    Sensory system
  • Name 5 physical changes.
    State change, deformations, change in position, Expansion, contraction.
  • Sound is not vibrations: true or false
    false, sound is vibrations
  • Name 2 non infectious illnesses.
    Cancer, diabetes, obesity, malnutrition, depression, allergies, traumas
  • What do painkillers do?
    Relieve pain
  • What is Luminous energy?
    Energy of light
  • What are the 3 states of matter?
    solid, liquid, gas