
GE B1 unit 3-9 Review

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  • We stayed in a small house _____ was at the top of Zakopane.
  • Present Perfect: "He _______(break) his leg, so he can't play next week."
    has broken
  • You can ________ their new song for free from their website.
  • 1st Conditional: "________(you/help) me if you ________(have) time later?
    Will you help / have
  • Definition: to ask someone questions so that you an find out more information. - What is the word?
  • (have to) (must) (need to) - "You ________ look after all your money. As the group leader to hold it for you."
    don't have to
  • Passive form of Verb: "I went on a school camping trip last summer. We _______(take) to a beautiful mountain range."
    were taken
  • Which is correct? "an icy, dangerous river" OR "a dangerous, icy river"
    "a dangerous, icy river" - (opinion + fact + noun)
  • I want to take _______ in a running competition!
    (take) part
  • Definition: "air, water, etc. which is dangerously dirty." - What is the word?
  • (at an airport) - What time does the ______ to Rome leave?
    flight (plane)
  • The traffic jam on the motorway _______ us for about an hour.
  • Definition: things that you use to make a particular type of food.
  • Fix thiis sentence: "School closed early because the heating break down."
    School closed early because the heating HAD BROKEN down.
  • Definition: _____ Footprint : The amount of CO2 a person produces which has an effect on the environment.
  • Pronounce "choir" correctly.
  • Our final _____ was New York City, which is on the coast. I needed my passport, as it was my first trip ______.
    destiation / abroad
  • Past Simple or Past Perfect? Fill in the blank - "The guide knew a lot about the different buildings because he _____(be) an architect when he was younger."
    had been
  • Past Perfect: "John couldn't call his mum becaues he ____(forget) to charge his mobile.
    had forgotten
  • Future form of the Verb: "We ________ (meet) Nick at school in five minutes."
    are/ 're meeting
  • Name 2 things you can 'book'.
    a table, a seat, a ticket
  • My brother picks / 'll pick us up after the show if we ask / 'll ask him.
    'll pick / ask
  • People try to protect the environment by ____ rubbish and using less ____ , for example, to light their house.
    recycling / energy
  • You haven't plugged it in. Printers don't work without _________, you know.
  • Pick 1 (next) (eventually) (finally) - "I fell off a lot but _____, after several days of practice I could cycle a few metres on my new unicycle."