
Dust Allergy

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  • What is an allergy?
    Allergies are your body's reaction to a normally harmless substance.
  • The two types of allergens
    Food and non-food
  • The Substance which causes allergy are known as
  • Name at least three features of Dust Mites
    Are extremely tiny bugs, belong to the spider family, live in house dust, feed on dead skin cells, thrive in warm environments
  • How would you react if you found out that you were allergic to chocolate?
    It's up to you!
  • Purchasing an air filter is one way to prevent dust allergy. True of False
  • Is there any permanent cure for dust allergy
  • What would you do if a friend you were having lunch with started having an allergic reaction to something they ate?
    It's up to you!
  • Name any four symptoms of allergy
    Runny nose, itchy skin, cough, trouble sleeping, and watery eyes
  • The two types of tests done to detect the presence of allergy are
    Skin prick test and Blood test
  • If you could invent a medicine against one allergy, which allergy would that be and why?
    It's up to you!
  • Name the three entry routes of an allergen
    Nose, mouth and skin
  • What do you think would be the worst thing to be allergic to and why?
    It's up to you!