
Describe a person

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  • g.... on w........ with
    get on well with
  • to b.......... about his/ her own achievement (v)
    to brag about his/her achivement
  • a special g......... for doing sth
    a special gift for doing sth
  • d............... (a)
  • i.........t (a):
    more interested in your own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people
  • (a)
    judgemental (a)
  • in the sp.....l......t
    in the spotlight
  • middle-a.... (a): neither young nor old
    middle-aged (a)
  • s....... humble
    stay humble
  • have a great s........of h........ : be very funny
    have a great sense of humour
  • r........ed (a): famous and respected
    renowned (a)
  • a b........r (n): someone who is known for boasting
    a boaster
  • h......... a lot in c...........
    have a lot in common
  • se.....s.........e (a)
  • w.........- built (a)
  • o......-m........ed (a)
    open-minded (a)
  • slim f.......... (a)
    slim figure
  • have a he.... of g....... : be kind-hearted
    have a heart of gold
  • to h......... one's l...... under a bushel 
    to hide your light under a bushel
  • ex..........t (a)
    extrovert (a)
  • the l.....e and s....l of the party
    the life and soul of the party
  • medium h..........t
    medium height