
American Lit II

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  • What is the setting for "A Rose for Emily?"
    Jefferson or in the South
  • In "The Great Gatsby" who is Tom? (name at least 1)
    Daisy's husband, Myrtle's boyfriend, a racist
  • Who is Bertha in "Sweat"?
    Syke's girlfriend
  • Which generation forgave Miss Emily's taxes in "A Rose for Emily"
    The Old Generation
  • What is the overall theme of "THe Great Gatsby?" (name 1)
    The American dream is not attainable, money can't buy happiness, love and marriage
  • What does Daisy do for a living?
    She is a house wife
  • What real life event inspired Stephen Crane to write "The Open Boat?"
    He crashed off the coast of Florida and was stuck in a boat himself.
  • Name someone who lives in East Egg
    Daisy, Tom, Jordan
  • What is the overall theme of "Sweat"?
    good vs. evil or lazy vs hardworking
  • In "The Open Boat" the color grey symbolized what?
    A feeling of misery and hopelessness
  • What is Homer's relationship to Miss Emily?
    her "love interest"
  • Name 2 symbols seen throughout the "The Great Gatsby"
    green light, Gatsby's parties, cheating, the eyes of Dr Eckleberry
  • Man vs. Nature is a theme during what era of writing?
  • Name someone who lives in West Egg
  • in "Sweat" how does Delia's faith help her?
    Her faith helps her to survive the abuse from Sykes, to ignore him
  • Who wrote "Sweat"?
    Zora Neale Hurston
  • in "Sweat" how do the townspeople describe Delia?
    hardworking, pretty before she married Sykes
  • What was illegal during the Prohibition Period?
  • Who is a "bootlegger"?
    Someone who made money during Prohibition by selling, making, or shipping alcohol
  • What does Gatsby call Nick? (his nickname)
    Old Sport