
The passive voice revision - Gateway B2

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  • Hundreds of (3) …………(survive) of the original disaster are still living in temporary shelters and it is expected to be some time before experts will be able to properly assess the (4) ………………(destroy) in the area.
    3 survivors 4 destruction
  • (choose the word) A rush of water away from the coastline may be a sign that the (3) wave/mud is coming, but many of these natural disasters occur without warning.
  • Following the unexpected (1) …………(erupt) of the Pacific island volcano last Tuesday, more people living close by have been forced to move because of (2) ……………(land) that are threatening to cut off several local towns and villages.
    1 eruption 2 landslides
  • (write the correct form) Archeologists say that the individuals appear to ……………………… (bury) on the same day.
    have been burried
  • (paraphrase) Our teacher gave us an essay about pollution. (WERE ) - We ……………………… about pollution by our teacher.
    were given an essay
  • (choose the word) Volcanoes also attract millions of tourists and many people (4) wait for/depend on the jobs and income that tourism provides.
    depend on
  • (complete with 1 word) Too much rain has caused rivers across Europe to (2) ……………………… their banks, causing widespread (3) ……………………… in many areas.
    2 burst 3 damage
  • (write the correct form) The discovery ……………………… (make) during excavation for the eastern entrance of the new railway in 1876.
    was made
  • Barriers set up to protect residents from the rising watershave proved inadequate , leaving many people to complain that not enough money has been .............. on flood defences, despite many warnings.
  • (write the correct form) A headstone marked ‘1665’, the year when the epidemic was at its height, ……………………… (find) nearby.
    was found
  • The so-called Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean is a string of volcanoes and an area of intense seismic activity where almost 90 percent of the world’s (1) earthquakes / hurricanes.
  • While some parts of the world haven’t seen any rain for several months, causing prolonged (1) ……………………… in many countries, other places have been badly affected by the opposite problem – floods.
  • (change the word in brackets) Meanwhile, flights are being diverted because of a cloud of (5) …………(volcano) ash that is making it difficult for pilots to navigate in the region.
  • (write the correct form) The remains will ……………………… (analyse) by experts at the Museum of London Archeology, who hope that their research will provide an opportunity to learn more about the disease.
    be analysed
  • (write the correct form) Construction workers on a major underground railway project in London have uncovered a burial site that ………… (expect) to provide important information about the plague or ‘Black Death’.
    is expected
  • (choose the word) When this happens under the sea, one side of the ocean suddenly drops resulting in a (2) tsunami/avalanche.