
European Union

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  • Where is the European Central Bank?
    Frankfurt (Germany)
  • The original name of the EU was
    the EEC
  • It was created in 1957 by the Treaty of
  • What do stars on the EU flag represent?
    the twelve nations who were members when the flag was chosen in 1986
  • Which economic areas are larger than the EU?
    China and India
  • The treaty was signed in 1957 by six countries. Name at least three of them.
    France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands
  • The EU is run by the European Commision. Its offices are in
  • When did Spain join?
    in the 1980s.
  • How many stars are there on the EU flag?
  • Between 1992 and 2007, how many new countries joined the EU?
  • Why was the European Union started?
    People didn't want another world war.
  • Who composed the EU' anthem 'Ode to joy'?
  • The name was changed to 'the European Union' after which treaty in 1992?
    The Maastricht Treaty
  • What does 'EEC' mean?
    European Economic Community.
  • The EU is the ____ largest economic area in the world.
  • What things does the EU deal with? Name two
    education, culture, environment, economics
  • When did the UK join?
    in 1973