
Singular or Plural?

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  • Singular or plural?
    There are lots of lollipops so, plural
  • Is this singular or plural? Tree
    Tree is singular
  • Singular or plural?
    There is only one so singular
  • Is this singular or plural? Penguins
    Penguins is plural
  • Singular or plural?
    There is only one chef, so it is singular
  • Singular or plural?
    Plural, there are lots of clowns
  • Is 'teacher' plural or singular?
    'Teacher' is singular
  • Is it singular or plural?
    Singular because there is only 1
  • Plural or singular?
    There are many piglets so it is plural.
  • The crocodiles are angry. Is 'crocodiles' singular or plural?
    'Crocodiles' is plural