
History 6 - final test prep

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  • What animals were kept in ancient India?
    horses, sheep, cows
  • What people do believe that you can get to a higher class of society in the next life if you behave properly in this one?
    the Hindus
  • What two world religions were founded in ancient India?
    Buddhism and Hinduism
  • Who was Pericles?
    Athenian politician and general, supported democracy, art, thinkers, widows, orphans...
  • What Egyptian gods do you know?
    Osiris (underworld), Re (sun and creator), Anubis (death, rebirth), Isis (women and children), Horus (protector of pharaohs)...
  • What rights did citizens of polis have in Archaic Greece?
    to vote, to be voted, to take part in "parliament", to own property and land
  • What do you know about Alexander the Great?
    Philip II's son, Macedonian king, large empire (on three continents), cities named after him, built the library...
  • What did a shaduf serve for?
    to take water from the river
  • What caste (varna) did merchants belong to in ancient India?
  • What caste (varna) did servants belong to ancient India?
  • Describe the process of mummification.
    purify the body (Nile watwer), brain out, organs to canopics, heart left, sawdust, oil, bandages, prayers, sarcophagus
  • What is the name of the famous Indian king who led bloody wars and conquered neighbouring kingdoms (for ex. Kalinga) around 300 BC?
  • Why are the Greek Dark Ages called “dark”?
    lost of knowledge of writing, practical skills (pottery), famine, fight for food, poverty
  • Where did the three famous battles take place during the Persian Wars?
    Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis
  • What crops were grown in ancient India?
    cereals, sesami, cotton, rice, legumes
  • What was “polis”?
    a city-state
  • Where were the most significant pyramids built?
  • What caste (varna) did warriors belong to ancient India?
  • What does the legend say about the Trojan War?
    beautiful Helen, Paris, revenge, Trojan horse...
  • What was the function of pyramids?
    tombs of pharaohs
  • What is a sarcophagus?
    a box-like funeral container for a corpse, most commonly carved in stone, and usually displayed above ground, though it may also be buried
  • What Indian religion worships many gods?
  • What do we call the biggest pyramid in Egypt?
    the Great Pyramid of Giza (Khufu's, Cheop's)
  • What is interesting/unusual about ancient Egyptian paintings?
    human figure was from the front view but the head from profile
  • What was a “phalanx”?
    a rectangular formation of hoplites with spears and shields
  • What does the legend say about Theseus and Minotaur?
    monster in the labyrinth, hero who killed him, princess gave him a thread...
  • What is the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism?
    there are many... gods x afterlife x Vedas/Buddha's writing...
  • Which of the Greek columns was the most decorated?
  • Who was Aristophanes?
    a playwright
  • What do you know about the Athenian army?
    the most powerful polis, very strong navy, but it was rather a cultural city - center of education, philosophy, science, art, architecture...
  • What caste (varna) did a king belong to ancient India?
  • Who are the original inhabitants of India (those who conquered India around 1500 BC)?
    the Aryans
  • What do you know about Egyptian writing?
    they used hyerogyphs
  • Why was the Nile considered to be “a river of life”?
    cause only thanks to the Nile people could grow crops, had enough water to keep cattle, to stay alive
  • What battles of the Persian Wars did the Greeks win?
    at Marathon and Salamis
  • What caste (varna) did a street sweeper belong to ancient India?
  • What disease did the Greeks suffer from during the first phase of the Peloponnesian Wars?
    black plague spread by the rat fleas
  • Who were “hoplites”?
    citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states who were primarily armed with spears and shields
  • Which river flows through Egypt?
    the Nile
  • What pharaohs do you know?
    Tut, Hatshepsut, Ahmose, Ramesses, Nefertiti, Cleopatra...
  • What do we call a winged monster having a woman's head and a lion's body?
  • What caste (varna) did priests belong to ancient India?
  • What was the result of the Peloponnesian Wars?
    Athenians were starved and made to sign peace with hard conditions (keep 12 ships only, remove fortif., dissolve their navy league)
  • What was the last battle of the Peloponnesian Wars?
    battle of Aegospotami
  • What are the Vedas?
    sacred texts of the Hindus
  • Who was a vizier?
    the highest official, pharaoh's advisor, the highest minister
  • Where did the ordinary people live in ancient Egypt?
    sun-dried mud, layer of plaster, square design, terrace, flat roof...
  • Who were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?
  • Why were pharaohs being mummified?
    to preserve their body and have enough of food and treasure for the AFTERLIFE
  • What was the cause of the end of the Minoan civilization?
    natural disasters, conquest by the Achaeans
  • How come that the Greeks defeated the Persians even if the Persians had many more soldiers?
    navy battles and good strategy on land
  • Whose tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter?
  • What do we call the area where the first Indian civilization developed?
    The Indus Valley
  • Who was Buddha?
    a real person in history - a prince who became a monk and became enlightened
  • Who was Howard Carter?
    An archeologist who discovered the tomb of Tut...
  • What were the most powerful city states in Archaic Greece?
    Athens and Sparta
  • What tribe did conquer half of Egypt in about 1700 BC (Middle Kingdom)?
    the Hyksos
  • Where did the Minoan civilization develop?
    on Crete
  • What are the names of the first two developed Indian cities?
    Harappa and Mohenjo Daro
  • Who was a scribe?
    the one who could write (usually business, judicial, and historical records for kings, nobles, temples, and cities)
  • What do you know about the Spartan army?
    very good infantry, soldiers trained from childhood, warlike city-state
  • Why did king Ashoka become so popular among Indian people?
    cause he turned to Buddhism, felt sorry for what he did and tried to fix it - rebuilt towns, built hospitals, places to meditate...
  • What Indian castes (varnas) do you know?
    Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, Dalits
  • What is a canopic jar?
    a jar for organs of a dead man (lungs, liver, intestines and stomach)
  • How were the poor mummified?
    the bodies were dried out on the sun in the desert