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  • Plastic: El plástico es un material constituido por compuestos orgánicos o sintéticos que tienen la propiedad de ser maleables y por tanto pueden ser moldeados en objetos sólidos de diversas formas
    NOUN. That plastic snake.
  • Earthquaqe: An earthquake is a sudden and rapid shaking of the ground caused by the displacement of subterranean rocks far below the earth's surface.
    NOUN. The earthquake is getting bigger.
  • Paper: Material that is presented as a thin sheet made with vegetable fiber paste or other materials ground and mixed with water, dried and hardened later, which is used to write, draw, wrap things, etc.
    NOUN. The paper fall from the trees.
  • Landfill: Place where garbage, waste or rubble is dumped, generally located on the outskirts of a town.
    NOUN. Garbage is thrown into the landfill every day.
  • Relief worker: Immediately end the kidnapping and killing of relief workers by armed groups.
    NOUN. The relief worker always helps people.
  • Emergency: Unforeseen matter or situation that requires special attention and must be resolved as soon as possible.
    NOUN. The most important car for people and their health is the ambulance emergency.
  • Organic: The organic, on the other hand, refers to the body that has the necessary disposition to live.
    NOUN. Recycling something organic helps the environment.
  • Recycle: Recyclyng is a process whose objective is to convert waste into new products or raw material for later use.
    VERB. Recycle helps the environment.
  • Forest: A forest is an ecosystem where the predominant vegetation is made up of trees and shrubs.
    NOUN. Every time I go to the Forest it relaxes me because I hear the sound of little birds and it is very beautiful because of its leafy trees.
  • Natural disaster: A natural disaster is a major adverse event that results from the Earth's natural processes; Examples include floods, etc.
    NOUN. The houses were flooded by natural disasters.
  • Drought: Lack of rain for a prolonged period of time that produces dryness in the fields and scarcity of water.
    NOUN. The plant that comes out the most in the drought is the cactus.
  • Fire: Set of incandescent particles or molecules of combustible matter, capable of emitting heat and light, product of a chemical reaction of accelerated oxidation.
    NOUN. The fire is extinguished with water.
  • Predictions: 'Announce in advance something that has to happen.
    VERB. She gives predictions of what will happen later.
  • Desert: A desert is a biome with an arid climate, where rainfall is scarce.
    NOUN. Most of the desert only has a cactus silver.
  • Glass: Transparent or translucent substance, hard and brittle.
    NOUN. The glass cup is very fragile.
  • First responder: It is an internal first response team, made up of personnel who are part of the company itself, duly organized volunteers and accidents, whose function is to prevent and/or control emergencies.
    NOUN. The first responder is a sign that is okay.
  • Search and secure dog: son animales entrenados para encontrar personas vivas o recién fallecidas en muy diversas situaciones:.
    NOUN. Search and safe dog It is about that they take care of the dogs and protect them.
  • Shelter: The word refuge is synonymous with asylum, reception or protection, but it also means a suitable place to take refuge.
    NOUN. The family looks for a shelter.
  • Missing people: Missing persons are people whose location is unknown for some reason.
    NOUN. More people are missing people.
  • Famine: Famine is a situation that occurs when a country or geographical area does not have enough food and resources to provide food to the population
    NOUN. In Africa many children are famine.