
Module 1: PSW Foundations

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  • How does the Consent to Treatment Act affect the PSW?
    A PSW must ask for written consent before giving a bed bath to a client
    A PSW must ask the client for consent before touching them for any reason
    A PSW must ask the nurse for permission before touching the client
    The doctor must give consent for the client to have care completed
  • When going for treatment, they must know the what, why who, and outcomes. This is called....
    Right to Choice
    Substitute Decisions Act
    Consent to Treatement Act
    Self-determination Act
  • The intentional attempt or threat to touch a person's body without consent is:
    False imprisonment
  • The role of the PSW on a health care team:
    Provide required assistance safely and competently
    All of the above
    Report and record care observations
    Assist the team by following the existing care plan
  • When you are solving a problem, what is the first step in the process?
    Devise a plan
    Analyze the problem
    Identify the problem
    Think of possible solution
  • A Pt with cancer is refusing modern treatment but using alternative therapies, street drugs. Which statement is true?
    “Beliefs about health care” is a personal determinant of health
    His cognitive health has declined, so he makes poor choices
    You tell him that the alternative therapies and drugs will kill him
    To promote wellness you need to focus on the disease and nothing else
  • When a PSW says to a client, "look on the bright side" this:
    is solving an emotional problem for the client
    is reassuring the client
    is preventing the client from expressing feelings
    creating stress for the client
  • TPR is temperature, pulse, respiration
  • Touch conveys caring and affection
  • Which of the following best describes stress?
    Anxiety, fear, anger, dread, and depression
    The response or change in the body caused by an emotional, and physical
    Anything that is not pleasant
    A cause of illness
  • It is important for the PSW to bath daily when working to provide comfort, and reduce body odour?
  • What is slander?
    False verbal statement that hurts the reputation of a person
    Feeling of worth, value and respect
    Failure to act in a careful or competent manner
    Established by law
  • Self-esteem is likely influenced by....
    Family, friends and her supportive care workers.
    Appearance and aging
    All of the above.
    Mobility and pain
  • Time management strategies that would assist a PSW
    Determine priorities, be organized, ask for help and get adequate rest
    Blame others when you can't get your work done
    Determine priorities, and be organized
    Ask for help or get a co-worker to do your work for you
  • It is recommended that health care workers wash hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs between clients & staff
  • Which statement about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is true?
    It was made to protect all adults over the age of 18.
    It lists the basic rights and freedoms to which all Canadians are entitled
    Protects the right to equality of residents of Canada as they are citizens
    The Charter is still awaiting final passage in the courts.
  • How would the support worker abbreviate hour?
  • An example of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)?
    Self-care activities the client performs some days
    Self-care activities the client performs every day
    Activities you do for the client some days
    Laundry you do for the client every day
  • Common courtesy is a sign of:
  • Realizing one's potential is known as which of the following:
  • In Maslow's theory of needs, what needs must be met first ....
    Love and Belonging
    Self Esteem
  • Delegation in Healthcare means
    Authorizing a care provider to perform a task
    Giving someone responsibility for providing care
    Giving the support worker the power to enforce an act
    Transferring responsibility to another worker
  • Which one of the following is a breach of respecting privacy legislation?
    All of the above
    Phone the next client from the present client's home
    Losing your day-timer
    Discussing client information with his/her family
  • OD just means the client took too much medication
  • A PSW needs your help; she asks you to call the nurse STAT. This means:
    The client is in a good state right now
    The client wants to speak to the nurse
    Stay with the client while she goes on break
    Go now
  • What is a disability?
    A temporary state of impairment
    An artificial replacement of a missing body part
    Any lost, impaired, or absent physical, or mental function
    A chronic illness or disease
  • Accountability means to be responsible
  • Signs and symptoms of stress
    All of the above
    Feelings of anger
    Fluctuations in appetite
  • Which statements is true of older adults?
    All older adults move into residential facilities
    Social and emotional changes always happen with older adults.
    Aging is considered an illness
    Many older adults enjoy good health.
  • How can the support worker help a new resident feel safe and secure?
    Ask visitors to leave the room
    Ask direct questions
    Keep the client in his or her room
    Listen to the client's concerns
  • 2 different examples of harassment a PSW can be exposed to at work
    Verbal ot physical abuse by a staff member to another staff member
    Inappropriate sexual gestures and verbal/physical abuse.
    Being appropriately complemented by a staff member or client
    Being exposed to inappropriate sexual gestures
  • Income has no effect on health?
  • I&O
    Intake and Output
    Intake and outtake
    Input and outtake
    Input and output
  • Which of the following is an example of treating a client with respect and dignity?
    Being careful with the client's personal possessions
    Ordering a client's food at mealtime
    Assuming that the client needs your help before he or she asks
    Forgetting to insert the hearing aids for the client
  • Discretion refers to:
    Feelings reflected in one's action
    A nurse can authorize a PSW to perform a controlled act procedure
    A feeling of compassion
    Use of good judgement about what you say
  • Registered Nurse
    Concerned with restoring function & preventing disability following injury
    Giving medication, creating care plans, delegation/ supporting PSW
    Prescribes treatment and leads the health care team
    Helping persons adapt to daily living tasks, following illness or injury
  • You should never refuse a favor asked of you in the workplace
  • Client has blood in urine:
  • Most adults over the age of 70 years old have a disabling illness?
  • Which of the following is the correct definition of an acute illness?
    A sudden illness from which a person is expected to recover
    An illness for which there is no reasonable expectation of recovery
    An ongoing illness for which there is no known cure
    An illness that is slow or gradual in onset
  • Mixed messages are unhelpful to the client because:
    causes confusion and the message is lost
    client will not talk to you
    leaves the client to think you don't care
    creates a lack of interest from the client
  • Assisting a resident with activities of daily living, the support worker should:
    Check with the care plan and supervisor
    Encourage her to occasionally try new foods
    All of the above
    Save time by choosing the clothing for the day
  • When a resident has pain, What do you do first?
    Tell her she is okay
    Administer pain medication
    Ask about pain's location, duration, intensity and other symptoms
    Report to the supervisor
  • Physician
    Helping persons adapt to daily living tasks, following illness or injury
    Diagnosis, and treatment with illness/injury
    Concerned with restoring function & preventing disability following injury
    Fills medication orders written by physicians
  • Old people are always obstinate and set in their ways
  • Example of a mixed message?
    Talking in only medical terms to the client
    Mixing up the words in a sentence
    Not talking to the client
    Saying "yes" to your client and crossing your arms
  • In 24-hour time, 1330 is:
  • Occupational Therapist
    Fills medication orders written by physicians
    Concerned with restoring function & preventing disability following injury
    Prescribes treatment and leads the health care team
    Helping persons adapt to daily living tasks, following illness or injury
  • Doctor's orders NPO. The support worker understands that this is the abbreviation for which of the following:
    Night privacy allowed
    Do not eat or drink anything
    No persons allowed visiting
    Negative pressure option of the patients room
  • Legal defines as:
    Established by law
    A feeling of worth, value and respect
    False verbal statement that hurts the reputation of a person
    Failure to act in a careful or competent manner
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs can best be described as:
    Another term for psychosocial health
    Physiology and safety needs
    A system that arranges human needs into categories
    Love and belonging needs
  • When should you report changes in a client's condition?
    During the end of shift report
    At once
    Before you take your lunch break
    At the end of your shift
  • Why would we use an open-ended question?
    we don't want any information from the client
    specific information from the client
    used to improve communication by encouraging them to further discuss detail
    used to get detailed information from the client
  • What is negligence?
    False verbal statement that hurts the reputation of a person
    A feeling of worth, value and respect
    Failure to act in a careful or competent manner
    Placed in trust; respecting and guarding personal and private information
  • Ethics:
    Use of good judgement about what you say
    Feelings reflected in one's actions
    Proper conduct for the members of professional group
    A feeling of compassion
  • What kind of vegetable do you like?" is an example of an open-ended question?
  • Which of the following sources would provide a PSW with information regarding his/her scope of practice?
    College of Nurses of Ontatrio
    His/her co-worker who has been on the job for 25 years
    His/her school classmate who always has the answers
    Written policies from his/her current employer
  • A client's daughter visits her mother. She dislikes her mother's care and insults you the PSW. You do all except:
    Tell her you have to care for your weakest clients first
    Try to see the situation through her point of view
    Understand that she feels uneasy because of her own feeling of guilt.
    Answer her questions politely and confidently
  • The clock shows 11:42am. What would this be using the 24-hour clock
    2342 hrs
  • Client asks you if you can give her an enema. You:
    Beyond your scope of practice, you would inform your supervisor
    All of the above
    Would love to help
    Would read the instructions on the container before proceeding
  • Which one of the following choices would be considered Objective Data?
    I felt nauseated
    client tell you they are in pain
    red rash on abdomen
    I have a headache
  • Someone fractures their arm. A client would be admitted to:
    Palliative Care
    Acute care
    Respite Care
  • Meeting a new client, you must get to know him/her. Which of the following choices would help you establish rapport?
    Talk about client desires, needs and routines.
    Ask open ended questions and listen
    Read care plan
    All of the above
  • Physiotherapist
    Prescribes treatment and leads the health care team
    Concerned with restoring function & preventing disability following injury
    Fills medication orders written by physicians
    Helping persons adapt to daily living tasks, following injury
  • Holistic care means:
    Care which prevents disability
    Support provided to a client to regain lost abilities
    Care provided which is aimed at increasing a client's comfort
    Care which recognizes physical, mental, social and spiritual needs
  • You have difficulty communicating with your client, a centenarian ( 100 yrs old). All statement are accurate except:
    She is over 100 yrs old, she is likely confused.
    Weakness, pain, and ill health makes it hard to focus
    Many elderly people suffer from difficulty seeing and hearing.
    You make your message brief and use simple words
  • What would a older generation's self-esteembe influenced by:
    Appearance and aging
    Family, friends and professional helpers
    All options
    Mobility and pain
  • Calling an elderly client "momma" conveys respect and caring
  • Which one of the following needs is directly affected by religion?
  • A client talks about the loss of her husband. You do all the following except:
    Lean towards the client and avoid communication barriers
    Feel pity for her
    Make eye contact to assure her you are listening
    Pay attention to the feelings she expresses
  • Relying on each other in a group for support is called...
  • When considering a delegated act, which of the following should the support worker consider?
    That it is acceptable to go beyond the support worker's scope of practice
    The employer's policies regarding delegation
    That the task should not require critical thinking
    That is is all right to accept the task, as long as it is only once
  • Culture influences people's attitudes and beliefs but not their behaviours.
  • Pain affects all people in the same way?
  • What are two age-related changes that can affect communication?
    Loss of sense of smell and taste
    Lack of sensation and blindness
    Decrease in hearing and vision
    Loss of speech and decreased sense of touch
  • Which of the following is a determinant of health?
    Income and social status
    Chronic Health
    Emotional Health
    Spiritual Health
  • What is a Respiratory Therapist
    A Cardiologist
    A breathing specialist
    An athletic trainer
    A nurse
  • What should the PSW do in harassment situations
    Keep quiet and don't tell anyone
    Tell a friend or family member
    Tell a co-worker and see what they think
    Ask the person to stop and report to your supervisor immediately
  • The principles or values that guide us in deciding what is right conduct or what is wrong conduct is called:
    Civil Law
    Public Law
  • Aging is universal and starts when we are born
  • Which measure is an example of a distraction?
    Giving a back massage
    Avoiding talking with the client
    Turning off the radio
    Keeping the room dark
  • Each individual responds differently to cultural influences
  • Optimal health is the achievement of the best health possible in all five dimensions of one's life?
  • People who do not practice religion are not spiritually healthy...
  • Attitude means:
    Feelings reflected in one's actions
    Proper conduct for the members of professional group
    A feeling of compassion
    Use of good judgement about what you say
  • Which one of the following is a closed question?
    "Why don't you want to eat your lunch?"
    "What can you tell me about your family?"
    "What do you feel like doing today?"
    "Would you like to eat your lunch now?"
  • Tired
  • The client has difficulty falling asleep tonight. You:
    Reassure her that sleep deprivation is not a health concern
    Request a sleeping aid from the physician
    Ask her about rituals and what has helped her in the past
    Sing while doing your tasks to distract her
  • What is meant by the need for belonging?
    To have good self-esteem
    To have your basic needs met
    To be loved, valued, and have a close interpersonal relationship
    To reach your full potential
  • Which of the following lists are on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
    Right to drive, have children and to have universal health care
    Right to have a job, legal assistance, to have children and be safe.
    Right to senior pension, housing, paid prescriptions and health care
    Right to vote, and to move about in or out of Canada