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  • Ken is sweating: he looks as if/looks he's been running...
    looks as if
  • Come here and sit by the fire... your hands feel like/feel as if ice!
    feel like
  • This soup tastes/tastes as if you put a lot of garlic in it!
    tastes as if
  • You sound/sound like your mother when you talk like that!
    sound like
  • You seem/seem like happy today. Have you had some good news?
  • I'm not sure what's in this curry, but it tastes like/tastes as if chicken.
    tastes like
  • I don't feel like go out/going out tonight - let's stay home and watch a film.
    going out
  • It sounds/sounds as if Becky has finally got up. I can hear her moving around in her room.
    sounds as if
  • Your skin feels/feels like dry. You should put some cream on it!
  • We need to take out the rubbish, the kitchen smells/smells like terrible!