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  • How many countries are in Europe?
  • Name 3 of the 5 oceans
    Pacific, Atlantic, India, Arctic, Southern.
  • Look at your map: what continent is labeled number 3?
  • Name the 7 continents.
    North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica.
  • How much of the total water on Earth is FRESH?
    Only 3%
  • What continent is the LEAST populated?
  • What is the second most populated continent?
    Africa (1.2 billion)
  • Based on the most recent data, what is the population of North America?
    579 million
  • What country has the largest population in the WORLD?
    China (1.4 billion)
  • What continent is the MOST populated?
  • Are there more countries on Earth or languages?
  • How many nations have permanent claims in Antarctica?
    7 (New Zealand, Australia, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Chile, and Argentina)
  • How many countries are there is South America?
  • What is Oceania's most populated country?
  • During what season does Antarctica have a LARGER population?
    Summer (around 5,000 versus 1,000 in the Winter)
  • How much of the world is covered by water?
    Around 71%
  • How many people are there on Earth?
    About 8 billion