
Passive voice - Present/Past Simple

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  • Chi drank a lot of Coke at her party on Tuesday
    A lot of Coke was drunk by Chi at her party on Tuesday
  • A bus took us to school yesterday
    We were taken to school by bus yesterday.
  • Everyone loves cats
    Cats are loved by everyone
  • I threw my little brother out of the house.
    My little brother was thrown out of the house by me.
  • We study English in school
    English is studied in school
  • Thuy drew beautiful pictures in his book last week.
    Beautiful pictures were drawn by Thuy in his book last week.
  • The boy killed the spider.
    The spider was killed (by the boy)
  • My father made delicious dinner last night
    Delicious dinner was made by my father last night
  • In Russia people speak Russian
    Russian is spoken in Russia
  • David gave me a flower yesterday.
    A flower was given to me by David yesterday.
  • Children eat a lot of cakes.
    A lot of cakes are eaten by children.
  • An Huy robbed a bank last week.
    A bank was robbed by An Huy last week
  • They clean the windows every week.
    The windows are cleaned every week.
  • This photo __________________(take) by my grandfather when I was five.
    was taken
  • People speak English in Australia.
    English is spoken in Australia
  • My sister does homework every day
    Homework is done by my sister every day
  • People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.
    40 million hamburgers are eaten every day.
  • I painted this picture last week.
    This picture was painted by me last week.
  • My grandmother made the cake yesterday.
    The cake was made (by my grandmother) yesterday
  • My family eats chicken every Sunday.
    Chicken is eaten by my family every Sunday
  • Maria gave me this beautiful pen last Monday.
    This beautiful pen was given to me by Maria last Monday