
American Slang

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  • He's driving me up the wall.
    He's irritating me.
  • Hit the books
  • Once in a blue moon
  • It's all good.
    No problem.
  • B-Ball
  • Rip-off
    overcharge, bad price
  • Cop
    Police officer
  • Cheesy
    Cheap, tacky.
  • Piece of cake
    easy or effortless
  • loot
  • This party is dead.
    This is party is boring/empty.
  • Coach Potato
    a lazy person, one who sits on a couch and watches TV.
  • FYI
    For Your Information
  • LOL
    laugh out loud
  • I'm hyped.
    I'm excited.
  • I pulled an all-nighter in order to finish the project.
    A period of work or study that lasts all night.