
FSL June/2022

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  • "I have a dog".
    J'ai un chien.
  • "It rains" in French...
    il pleut.
  • What does "Quel temps fait-il? mean...
    What is the weather?
  • "I like music" in French...
    J'aime la musique
  • "I play a sport" in french...
    Je joue un sport.
  • "Il neige" means....
    It snows.
  • "I watch T.V"= Je regarde la T.V. What is the negative?
    Je ne regarde pas.
  • " a brown hamster"
    "un hamster brun"
  • The "verb sandwich" refers to how the ________ is constructed.
  • "Elle joue le piano"...
    She plays the piano.
  • "aime" is a verb or a noun?
  • "Je touche" in the negative...
    Je ne touche pas
  • He does not play a sport.
    "Il ne joue pas un sport".
  • What is "my father" in french?
    mon pere
  • "regarde" means watch. So, "I watch"= ?
    Je regarde
  • En hiver, il fait _____ (cold).
  • Do we put a verb or an adjective in the middle of "ne _______ pas" ?
  • "My brother, he is 5 years old".
    Mon frere, il a 5 ans.
  • "J'ai vingt ans" means...
    "I am 20 years old"
  • En ete, il fait ____ (beautiful).