
Numbers up to 1,000

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • What is the value of digit 9?
    The value is 900.
  • What is the place value of 1?
    1 is in the tens place.
  • What is the place value of 2?
    2 is in the ones place.
  • What is the number?
    The number is nine hundred four.
  • What is the number?
    The number is five hundred twenty-six.
  • What is the value of digit in tens place?
    The value is 10.
  • What is the number?
    The number is seven hundred forty-one.
  • What is the number?
    The number is one hundred twenty-seven.
  • What is the value of the digit in hundreds place?
    The value is 300.
  • What is the place value of 4?
    4 is in the tens place.
  • What is the place value of 6?
    6 is in the ones place.
  • What is the place value of 8?
    8 is in the hundreds place.
  • What is the value of the digit in tens place?
    The value is 0.
  • What is the place value of 2?
    2 is in the hundreds place.
  • What is the number?
    The number is eight hundred sixty.
  • What is the value of digit 2?
    The value is 20.
  • What is the value of digit in ones place?
    The value is 8.
  • What is the value of digit 1?
    The value is 100.
  • What is the place value of 0?
    0 is in the ones place.