
Speaking practice - Starters 2

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  • What time is it?
    It is 3 o'clock.
  • What room is this?
    This is a bathroom.
  • Spell the numbers from 15 to 20
  • What is Alexandra wearing today?
    Alexandra is wearing...
  • You get nothing this round
  • What time is it?
    It is a quarter past 7.
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
    In my free time, I like to...
  • This is a room where you can sleep. What is it?
    The bedroom.
  • Count from 1 to 5
    1 2 3 4 5
  • You get 15 points!
  • Count from 10 to 15
  • Spell the numbers from 5 to 10
    five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
  • What time is it?
    It is half past 6.
  • What is Matei Popovici wearing today?
    Matei is wearing...
  • Spell the numbers from 10 to 15
  • What colours are Calin's clothes?
  • What is the weather like today?
    Today, ...
  • Name the second row of colours
  • Count from 5 to 10
    5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Name the first row of colours
  • Count form 15 to 20
  • Name the colours of Anisia's outfit.
  • This is the room in the house where you usually eat. What is it?
    The kitchen.
  • Spell the numbers from 1 to 5
    one, two, three, four, five