
EMS Revision Grade 7 Term 1 and 2

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  • What is the difference between a need and a want?
    A need is something you have to have in order to stay alive. A want is something you would like to have but do not need.
  • We have limited resources and unlimited wants. This is called _________
  • Give and example of a government agency.
    answers will vary.
  • Give 3 examples of Public goods and services.
    Answers will vary.
  • Name 4 current forms of money that we use today.
    Electronic banking, banking apps, snapscan, debit cards, credit cards, etc.
  • True or False: Self-esteem is an example of a primary need.
  • What is bartering?
    Trade that takes place without money. Goods ad services are exchanged for one another.
  • True or False: Security needs is an example of a Secondary need.
  • What is a subsistence economy?
    A way of living were people produce everything they need themselves.
  • Name four characteristics of money.
    Relatively scarce, Durable, Portable, Divided into smaller units.
  • What is the difference between a non-renewable resource and a renewable resource?
    Non-renewable resources can run out and can't be replaced. Renewable resources can be replaced and will never run out.