
What color are these/those?

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  • Those oranges are orange.
    What color are those oranges?
  • Those pineapples are brown.
    What color are those pineapples?
  • Those foxes are brown.
    What color are those foxes?
  • REVIEW: What are those?
    Those are doors.
  • These bananas are yellow.
    What color are these bananas?
  • These apples are red.
    What color are these apples?
  • REVIEW: What are these?
    These are eyes.
  • Those trees are green and brown.
    What color are those trees?
  • REVIEW: What are these?
    These are arms.
  • These baseballs are white and red.
    What color are these baseballs?
  • These ducks are blue.
    What color are these ducks?
  • These bees are black and yellow.
    What color are these bees?
  • Those houses are red and white.
    What color are those houses?
  • REVIEW: What are those?
    Those are buildings.
  • These hats are pink and blue.
    What color are these hats?
  • Those buses are yellow.
    What color are those buses?