
Halacha Test

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  • what three categories are Mitzvah divided into?
    בין אדם לעצמו
    ביון אדם לחברו
    בין אדם למקום
    All of the above
  • Which mitzvots are important?
    positive mitzvots
    Negative mitzvots
    All mitzvot are important
    None of the above
  • Why is the phrase ״בכל לבבך״ include two ״ב״'s
    Each ״ב״ represents a יצר
    Each ״ב״ represents a letter
    Each ״ב״ represents a יצר
    Each ״ב״ represents a יצר
  • What does ״יראא או אהבה״ mean?
    Doing mitzvots out of respect or unkindly
    Doing mitzvots out f love or fear
    Doing mitzvots without love or fear
    Respecting one the way you want to be treated
  • What is on a greater level to keep a Mitzvah
    Keeping a Mitzvah out of fear than love
    keeping a Mitzvah out of love than fear
    Keeping a Mitzvah out of love than appreciation
    Keeping a Mitzvah out respect than protection
  • What is the benet of learning Halacha
    Learn how to live according to the Torah
    Going in Hashems ways
    All of the above
    Connections to Hashem
  • Define ״ואהבת לרעך כמוך״
    love your neighbor like you don't love yourself
    Treat your neighbor with respect
    None of the above
    Love your neighbor like you love yourself
  • Define "והלכת בדרכיו
    Following in your neghbors path
    Walking in the pathway
    Following in Hashems path
    None of the above
  • What does it mean to have כוונה
    To be meaningless
    To have intention
    3 and 4
  • What is an example of mitzvot בין אדם לעצמו?
    All of the above
    Being careful of yourself
  • What are the two types of mitzvots
    ואהבת לרעך כמוך ובין אדם למקום
    בין אדם למקום ובין אדם לעצמו
    בין אדם לחברו ובין אדן למקום
    בין אדם לחברו ובין אדם לעצמו
  • What is ״מצוות בין אדם לעצמו״
    Between teffilah Hashem
    between Hashem and a man
    Between a friend and a man
    Between a man and himself