
3V - Discussing S.O. Unit 4

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  • TWO mistakes - I can not understand the man, because he mutters the whole time.
    cannot / is muttering
  • ONE mistake - That serie on Netflix was so interesting and compelling that I couldn't stop watching.
  • ONE mistake - Tim is very vulnerable, you can make him very fast angry.
    you can make him angry very fast
  • TWO mistakes - I can't stand it when pop-up advetisements suddenly appear.
    advertisements / suddenly
  • TWO mistakes - To mine opinion this was onacceptable.
    In my opinion / unacceptable
  • ONE mistake - I would like to know if anyone else had bad experiences with...
    has had
  • ONE mistake - My friend didn't know the place of the football stadium, so we made a big detour.
    'the place of'
  • ONE mistake - The trousers are complimentary to the T-shirt, they make eachother look nice.
    each other
  • ONE mistake - That dress she was wearing at the party was very compelling.
    incorrect use of 'compelling'
  • ONE mistake - It is alarming that he has a sharp pain in his chest, we should get to the hospital quick.
  • TWO mistakes - This T-shirt isn't good, i'm going to detour it, I'm sending it back.
    incorrect use of 'detour' / I'm
  • My phone is very alarming in the morning, but it helps.
    incorrect use of 'alarming'
  • TWO mistakes - The Euromast in Rotterdam is giant. It's one of the most highest buildings in the Netherlands.
    gigantic / the highest
  • ridicoulas
  • ONE mistake - When we thought that it couldn't get any worser than that...
  • ONE mistake - That dish is exquisite, it tastes good and smells good to.
  • TWO mistakes - That is an exquisite choiche of words, they fit perfect.
    choice / perfectly
  • TWO mistakes - I can't take it when pop-up ad's suddenly come out of nowhere.
    ads / out of nowhere
  • TWO mistakes - When we arrived at the hotel, they gave us an snack as a complimentary.
    incorrect use of 'complimentary' / a
  • ONE mistake - I can't understand what you say when you are muttering.
    are saying
  • ONE mistake - The hulk is giant, he is so big and tall. a giant / is gigantic
  • THREE mistakes - My selfmade phone isn't working probaly. I need to retouch it.
    incorrect use of 'retouch' / selfmade / properly
  • schaars = scars
  • THREE mistakes - Granny is pretty vulnerable, because her health isn't best nowadays. So the change of getting a disease is there.
    very good / chances / are high
  • appitising
  • ONE mistake - There was a file so we took a detour.
    traffic jam
  • ONE mistake - The editor reotuched the picture after the photographer had sent them.
  • ONE mistake - After we left the hotel, we got some complimentary gift.
  • ONE mistakes - The food in that fancy restaurant was exquisite, it surely was the money worth it!
    was worth the money