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  • Give an example of diffusion in plants
    CO2 diffuses into the stomata d/t low [CO2] inside the leaf and high [CO2] outside O2 diffuses out of the stomata
  • Does adding water to a solution make it more concentrated or more dilute?
  • Universal Solvent
  • What would happen if you put an animal cell in a concentrated sugar solution?
    The Animal cell would shrivel up because the water would leave the animal cell via osmosis and the cytoplasm would shrink
  • Rank the speed of movement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas
    Fastest: gas, liquid, solid
  • What is a concentrated solution
    Large amount of solute
  • Cell membranes are freely permeable to ________ and ________
    Oxygen and CO2
  • Rather than bursting in pure water a plant cell becomes turgid. Explain
    The cytoplasm presses out against the cell membrane (like in an animal cell) but the cell wall prevents the cell from bursting. Instead it blows up like a tire
  • What is a dilute solution
    Large amount of solvent
  • A concentrated solution has a ______ water potential
  • What happens if you put an animal cell in pure water? Explain
    The cell will burst. The water will move by osmosis into the animal cell and the cell will burst because animal cells do not have cell walls
  • What is a flaccid plant cell?
    A plant cell that is in a concentrated solution and has lost water and wilted
  • Where Protein is synthesized within the cell
    Ribosomes, Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • Which part of a plant cell is partially permeable and which part is fully permeable?
    Cell membrane is partially cell wall is fully
  • A dilute solution has a _______ water potential
  • What is plasmolysis?
    When a plant cell is in a concentrated solution and loses so much water that the cell membrane pulls away from the cell wall. This usually kills the cell.
  • Particles move ____________ concentration gradients (up or down)
  • Scientific word for "spreading out through the air"
  • What is Osmosis
    Diffusion of water molecules in a situation where water can pass through a partially permeable membrane but solute cannot
  • Diffusion is the net movement from a _________ concentration to a __________ concentration
    High, low
  • __________ + _____________ = a solution
    Solvent + Solute
  • Name three things that increase the rate of diffusion
    increase in SA/V ratio, increase in temp, increase in concentration gradient, decrease in distance, decrease in size