
Past Continuous vs. Past Simple

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  • I _______ (look)out of the window and saw that people _____ (walk) in the park.
    was looking, were walking
  • He ______ (sit) in the garden when a wasp _______(sting) him in the nose.
    was sitting, sung
  • Jessica ________(wear) a bright summer dress, when I ________ (see) her on the street.
    was wearing, saw
  • It _____ (rain) when we _______ (come) out of the shopping centre.
    was raining, came
  • Tom _________(fall) off the ladder while he __________(paint) the room.
    fell, was painting
  • While my mother _________(run), she ______(see) a beautiful bird.
    was running, saw
  • Pop music _________ (play) when I ________ (go) into the room.
    was playing, went
  • _______ (you buy) that bag while I ________ (look) after the children?
    Did you buy, was looking after
  • When I _______(be) young, I __________(want) to be a pilot.
    was, wanted
  • It _____ (snow) when I ____ (leave) home this morning.
    was snowing, left
  • Last night I ___________(read) in bed when I suddenly _______ a scream. (hear)
    was reading, heard
  • It _______ (be) cold when we _______ (leave) the house that day.
    was, left
  • I ________(meet) an old friend in town, while I ________(do ) the shopping.
    met, was doing
  • When ________ (you buy) the car? – I ________ (buy) it a few years ago.
    did you buy, bought
  • We _______ (drive) home in the middle of the night when we ______________(see) a flashing light.
    were driving, saw
  • When we ______ (see) the spaceship we _____(stop) the car.
    saw, stopped