
Vocabulary 1

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  • Loft: The room or space immediately below the roof of a building; an attic:
    Noun Lofts are often used as storage spaces
  • Deck: An outdoor wooden platform attached to a house
    Noun There is a lovely view from the deck
  • Garage: A building or an indoor area where vehicles are parked or repaired
    Noun My aunt´s garage has space for three cars
  • Basement: A floor of a building that is below or partly below the ground
    Noun Our basement was flooded after the thunderstorm.
  • Terrace: A paved outdoor area next to a house
    Noun It´s nice to have lunch on the terrace in summer
  • Study: A room used for studying, reading or writing
    Noun My dad is an engineer and his study is filled with engineering books.
  • Guest Room: A bedroom for visitors
    Noun This the nicest guest room I´ve ever seen
  • Shed: A small building for storing things
    Noun Dad keeps all his gardening tools in the shed in the yard
  • Balcony: A projecting platform from an upper window or an outside door with a railing around it
    Noun The hotel room was nice, but there wasn´t a balcony.
  • Hall: A passage inside a house with doors or openings that lead to rooms
    Noun The guest room is at the end of the hall
  • Workshop: A room in which things are made or repaired
    Noun The store sent our vacuum cleaner to the workshop to be repaired
  • Utility Room: A room where large appliances, such as washing machines or water heaters, care kept and used
    Noun Our utility room is in the basement
  • Upstairs: He heard glass breaking and ran upstairs to see what had caused it.
    Adverb My husband has a safe upstairs in the bedroom
  • Underground: Moles live underground.
    Adverb/Adjective The large underground garage is also located on this level.
  • Playroom: A room for children to play in
    Noun Justin and Sally have a playroom in the attic.
  • Conservatory: A room or building made of glass in which plants are grown and kept
    Noun The storm broke most of the glass in the conservatory roof
  • Glass Ceiling: a point after which you cannot go any further, usually in improving your position at work
    Noun And we 're always below the glass ceiling, the women.
  • Porch: A covered area at the entrance to a house
    Noun Mom grows herbs on our back porch
  • Landing: A level, open area at the top of a flight or stairs
    Noun We climbed the stairs and rested on the second-floor landing.
  • Attic: The area inside the roof of a house; a loft:
    Noun We store all the things we don´t use anymore in the attic.