
Hidden Figures

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  • What ancient method was suggested to solve a mathematical problem?
    Euler's Method
  • Why did John Glenn have to come back to Earth early?
    His heat shield was defective.
  • What action does Paul Stafford perform that shows that he respects Katherine at the end of the film?
    He gets her a cup of coffee.
  • What country was the United States in a "space race" with?
  • Why was Dorothy nervous about NASA's new IBM 7090 computer?
    It could put the entire department out of a job
  • What is Mary trying to accomplish by going to court?
    Get permission to take night classes at an all white school
  • Where does the movie take place?
    Hampton, Virginia
  • What organization did Katherine, Mary, and Dorothy work for?
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • True or False: The USA was the first country to put a man in space.
  • What was the 'Space Race'?
    Countries competing to put the first man in space
  • Q. What decade does this movie take place?
  • Which one of the main characters obtained an engineering degree?
  • In real life, Mary Jackson was promoted by NASA in 1958 making her what?
    NASA's first black female engineer
  • Who was the president at the time of the launch?
    John F. Kennedy
  • What is the name of the first American to orbit the earth?
    John Glenn
  • What did they call the female mathematicians?
  • What does John Glenn insist must happen after a last minute problem arises right before launch?
    He specifically wants Katherine to fix the miscalculation
  • When Katherine is moved back to her old job, what gift did the Space Task Force give her?
    A pearl necklace
  • What did Dorothy do to make herself and her department vital to NASA (and keep their jobs)?
    She taught herself (and then others) how to operate the IBM
  • Why is it important that Mrs. Mitchell (the blonde lady) finally calls Dorothy “Mrs. Vaughan”?
    Mrs. Mitchell now sees Dorothy as an equal, and respects her.
  • What was the name of the spaceship that Katherine helped to launch into orbit?
    Friendship 7
  • Which of the women was promoted to Supervisor of the Programming Department?
  • Why did Katherine have to leave her new work space for long periods of time?
    To use the only colored bathroom on NASA's property