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  • What do you use for cold weather?
    Boots, Scarf, Coat, Sweater, Gloves, Hat.
  • He is wearing traje
    el esta usando suit
  • Translate: whose jeans are these?
    De quien son estos pantalones?
  • Translate: Are these your sneakers?
    son estas tus zapatillas?
  • This is _______ (your/yours) wallet
  • Translate: My suit is black
    Mi traje es negro
  • Translate: You are not wearing his boots
    Tu no estas usando las botas de él
  • Translate: Quiet, talkative, funny, nice
    tranquilo, hablador, divertido, chevere
  • Translate: They are not wearing scarfs
    Ellos no estan usando bufandas.
  • what is "winter"?
  • What are the possesive pronouns?
    Mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
  • Translate: Sunny day
    dia soleado
  • what is "spring"?
  • What are your favorite colors?
    My favorite color are.....
  • What are the possesives adjectives?
    my, your, his, her, their, our
  • Ask a quiestion for the another team. put in game your points.
  • What are "high heels"?
  • Hey! these are ________(our/ours) Sneakers!
  • Translate: These are my shoes
    Estos son mis zapatos
  • Translate: Is he wearing cap?
    ¿está él usando gorra?
  • Translate: It's a windy and cloudy day
    Es un día ventoso y nublado.
  • Translate: Are they wearing sneakers?
    ¿Están ellos usando zapatillas deportivas?
  • Translate: Whose tie is this?
    De quien es esta corbata?
  • Translate: We are wearing your coat
    Estamos usando tu saco
  • Stiven's Scraf
    la bufanda de Stiven
  • It's ______(Mine/my)
  • Translate: Scaft, Sweater, T-shirt, Shorts, Hat, High heels, Raincoat
    Bufanda, Suéter, Camisa, Pantalón corto, sombrero, tacones, chaqueta.
  • Translate: It's snowing
    Está nevando
  • _________(Whose/yours) T-shirt is this?
  • Translate: It is raining
    Esta lloviendo
  • What do you use for warm weather?
    Caps, Shorts, Swimsuit, sneakers
  • What is "Socks" Shoes"
    Medias, Zapatos
  • What is "Fall"?
  • Translate: "The suit is black"
    El traje es negro
  • Translate: Whose shoes are these?
    De quien son estos zapatos?
  • Spell: C-A-R-E-A
    ci, ei, ar, i, ei