
New Platinum 2 - Unit 6 (Words in Action)

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  • not to meet someone you had arranged to see
    to stand someone up
  • to pretend you are not interested in someone to make them more interested in you
    to play hard to get
  • to be in love with someone so much that it seems silly, especially because you do not know them very well
    to be infatuated with someone
  • to desire someone
    to droll (all) over someone
  • to be secretly in love with someone
    to have a crush on someone
  • to get married
    to tie the knot
  • to be unfaithful to a partner
    to cheat on someone
  • to be interested in someone
    to be into someone
  • to be strongly attracted to someone
    to have a chemistry with someone
  • to be in love with someone in an out of control way
    to be head over heels
  • To invite someone on a date.
    to ask someone out
  • to be having a relationship with someone
    to be seeing someone