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  • Two parents combine their DNA to produce an offspring, is an example of
    sexual reproduction
  • Dominant Allele is represented by _______ letter,
    Capital / Uppercase letter
  • Look at the Punnet Square below, B represents the dominant trait for brown eyes, b represents the recessive trait for blue eyes. Based on the punnet Square, What PHENOTYPE does the offspring have a 75% chance of inheriting?
    Brown Eyes
  • Which Genotypes below represent a Heterozygous Genotype? 1. HH, 2. Hh or 3. hh
    # 2 - Hh
  • A Recessive Allele is represented by _______ letter,
  • An organism Making an exact COPY of itself is an example of
    Asexual reproduction
  • How is the function of cell division in single-celled organisms different from cell division in multicellular organisms?
    In single cell organisms it produces a new organism and in multicellular organisms it produces growth and repair of cells.
  • 27. Do siblings from the same parents have the exact copies of DNA and Chromosomes?
    siblings have DIFFERENT DNA because the 46 chromosomes they inherit come from both their Mother and Father but the 23 pairs inherited from both mom and dad are
  • What is a Version of a Gene called?
  • How many chromosomes does a healthy offspring have after sexual reproduction?
  • A cutting from a red-flowered geranium is taken and placed in water to develop roots. Once the roots have grown, the new plant is placed in soil and grows ton produce another red-flower geranium is an example of what type of reproduction?
    Asexual Reproduction
  • Look at the Punnet Square below, B represents the dominant trait for brown eyes, b represents the recessive trait for blue eyes. Based on the punnet Square, What PHENOTYPE does the offspring have a 25% chance of inheriting?
    Blue Eyes
  • 31. In DNA Replication the single strand of DNA sequence is A-T-G-A write the sequence of Base PAIRS that would pair with it. (HINT: G-CAT)
  • Sometimes before a cell divides, a mistake is made in a gene when the DNA is copied to to a new set of chromosomes, known as ________
  • 23. How many chromosomes does each parent contribute during sexual reproduction?
    23 chromosomes from each parent
  • An orange cat mates with a black cat in hopes of producing a tortoiseshell ( orange & black) cat, is an example of what type of reproduction?
    Sexual Reproduction
  • True or False: Organism have 46 chromosomes, & can hold approximately 20,000 genes.
  • True or False: You get 25 chromosomes from your Dad's Sperm cell, and 25 chromosomes from your Mom's Eggs cell
    False: you get 23 chromosomes from each parent
  • True or False: DNA Gene codes holds the instructions that make proteins. Proteins determine the traits an organism can inherit.
  • Look at the Punnet Square below, B represents the dominant trait for brown eyes, b represents the recessive trait for blue eyes. Based on the punnet Square, What GENOTYPE does the offspring have a 50% chance of inheriting?
  • Complete the Genotype for the square that is circled
  • 21. True or False: In multicellular organisms, cell division is necessary for the organism to grow to adulthood and to replace injured and worn out cells.