
Weather and Clouds

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  • True/ False - Clouds are always the same colour and shape.
  • What weather information would you give to people in Tokyo?
    It is very cloudy in Hiroshima, please check the rain data but it is not a good day for the beach.
  • We can determine if the weather is ‘sunny’ or cloudy’ by dividing the sky into __________________ and look at the __________________ of clouds.
    10 - Parts/ Amount
  • If clouds occupy 0-8 parts of the sky, we say it is _________________.
  • If clouds occupy 9-10 parts of the sky, we say it is __________________.
  • True/ False - Even within one day, the shape and amount of cloud can change.
  • When making weather observations what three things are important?
    1. Record from the same place. 2. Record from the same direction. 3. Include a landmark if possible.
  • What type of clouds are these?
    Cumulus - Medium or low level clouds that are round shaped or in ‘rolls’
  • What is your opinion about Weather Forecasting as a job?
    Many answers!
  • What weather information would you give to people in Sapporo?
    There is no rainfall in Sapporo, you can be outside without an umbrella or coat.
  • True/ False - There are many different types of clouds.
  • What type of clouds are these?
    Nimbostratus - Large, thick, grey or black clouds that often produce rain
  • What weather information would you give to people in Kanazawa?
    There is rainfall between 15 - 30 mm, it will be wet so try to stay inside or make sure you have an umbrella and a jacket.
  • True/ False - In the morning and evening, the amount and shape of clouds is exactly the same.
  • The more (wind / clouds) there are in the sky, the higher chance of rain there is.
  • What weather information would you give to people in Nagoya?
    There is rainfall between 1 - 4 mm, you can go outside but take a jacket and maybe an umbrella.
  • Name 3 ways that scientists collect weather data?
    AMeDAS Rainfall Data, Satellite Cloud Images, Thermometer, Rain Gauge, Wind Data, Sunlight Data
  • What is the real name for a weather person/ scientist?
  • What type of clouds are these?
    Cirrus - A cloud made of thin, wispy strands
  • What type of clouds are these?
    Cumulonimbus - Tall upward shaped clouds that often cause rain, thunder and lightning
  • What weather information would you give to people in Sapporo?
    There is very little clouds in Sapporo, it will be sunny so make sure you wear sun cream!!