
YEP 2 - Unit 7 review

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  • How can you ask for/offer assistance in a store?
    Can I help you?
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • How can you express your point of view?
    I prefer... I believe... I think...
  • How can you agree and disagree with other people's opinion?
    I agree. / I think so, too. I disagree. I think...
  • How can you use gerund (-ing) as the subject of a sentence?
    When the sentence starts with the verb + -ing
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • How can you talk about prices and methods of payment?
    How much is... How are you going to pay? I'll pay in cash/credit card...
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • What kind of fabric is this?
  • What's the difference between the use of MUCH and MANY?
    We use MUCH with the uncountable nouns and MANY with the countable nouns.
  • What kind of fabric is this?