
Review Part 2

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  • Talk about anything in English for 30 seconds!
    Good job!
  • Mention 5 yellow objects in your house!
  • Introduce yourself in one minute. Tell about your personal details!
    You are amazing!
  • Mention 5 countries and their languages!
    Example: Indonesia & indonesia Language
  • Mention 7 people around you with their name!
  • Talk about your family for 1 minute!
    Very good!
  • What are the things in your bedroom? Talk about your bedroom!
    bed, pillow, blanket, cupboard, desk, table, toys, books, computer, etc
  • Pick one member of your family and describe them!
  • Mention 2 national celebrations in your country with the dates!
  • Mention 5 countries which is closest to your country
    Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Phillippines, Australia, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Brunei
  • Mention three expression of Greetings and Leavetakings
    Greetings: Hi, Hello, How are you? || Leavetakings: Bye, See you, etc.
  • What time is it?
    It's ...
  • Talk about your daily activity! Don't forget to mention the time!
  • Mention number 1 to 20!
    Good job!
  • Spell your name and your telephone number in English!
    Y-O-U A-R-E A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
  • Spell: 1) a friend's name 2) a city's name 3) an animal name 4) a country's name
  • Talk about your house and the rooms inside your house!
    bedroom, bathroom, livingroom, kitchen, garage, etc
  • Make three sentences about your hobby!
    okay okay okayy