
Past simple revision

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  • Ask me three questions while using past simple.
  • Correct this sentence: I would like going to the cinema with you.
    I would like to go
  • Complete by using three verbs so that the sentence is correct: He didn't know what to do so he _______ with the money.
  • Correct this sentence: Did she goes with you last night?
    Did she go
  • Name three weird things about people in your group.
  • Come up with a question to this answer: Actually, my grandfather is moving next week, so I can't.
  • You want to ask somebody on a date. Name three different ways to ask them.
  • Complete the sentence so that it is grammatically correct and makes sense: All joking aside, I really _____________________________.
  • Complete by using three verbs so that the sentence is correct: He told her not to be so loud it but she _________ regardless.
  • Say three sentences using the negative form of the verbs in past simple about your class.
  • Come up with a question to this answer: No, I'd rather not, thank you.
    Would you like to....?
  • Complete by using three verbs so that the sentence is correct: I thought I was just imagining it, but she really _________ everything in the store.
  • Correct this sentence: Last summer, I had to went to our cottage with my parents.
    I had to go
  • Complete the sentence so that it is grammatically correct and makes sense: I considered all my options and I _____________________
  • Say three sentences about a school trip while using past simple.
  • Correct this sentence: My mother was laughing so hard she falls off the chair.
    fell off
  • Come up with a question to this answer: I have actually never thought about that.
  • Complete the sentence so that it is grammatically correct and makes sense: He was such a sweet guy, but __________________
  • Come up with a question for this answer: I wish I could, but I don't want to.
  • Name at least 10 family members.