
Focus 3 End-of-year

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  • To speculate about things we use modal verbs. Which and how?
    must = smth100% happened/ can't = 100% smth is impossible / might = smth is possible
  • You can ______ the song for a single listen.
  • Name 5 types of crimes and criminals who commit them.
  • The comedian did her first _______ at the Comedy Store in London.
  • What forms of the verb do you use for: 1) timetables? 2) arrangements? 3) spontaneous decisions? 4) actions in progress in the future?
    1) Present Simple, 2) Present Continuous, 3) will V, 4) Future Simple
  • In relative clauses we use 'who' for .../ 'which' for .../ 'where' for ...
    people/ animals,objects/ places
  • What is the difference between 'used to' and 'would'?
    we can't use would for past states
  • In the second game, her ______ hurt her leg and had to retire.
  • Name 7 types of injuries.
  • The play got excellent _____ when it was first seen.
  • To say 'one of the group/ any' we use the article ...
  • Name 5 natural disasters.
  • What is the difference between Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous
    focus on the result/ on the action
  • Name all the types of conditionals, when we use them and their formulas.
  • The band's latest album will be _______ next week.
  • What's th oppposite to 'catch the train'?
    miss the train
  • We have a small office and I am very ______ and wear slacks and sports shirts and things like that.
  • For predictions we use ... (2 options + the difference)
    will (no info)/ be going to V (info)
  • What type of verbs we don't use in Continuous?
    state (stative)
  • After verbs 'decide/ teach/ need/ want' we use ... form of the verb.
  • Name 4 tastes of food.