
S1 Unit 16 Reading Future

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  • Fill in the blank. I have two teaspoons of _______ in my coffee
  • What are the ingredients to make a cake?
    Butter, sugar, flour, eggs, milk, baking soda
  • When were the first cupcakes made?
    Around 1800
  • What does "Spoon" mean?
    Something we use to eat
  • Fill in the blank. I like spreading _______ on my toast
  • How many cups of flour should you use?
  • Fill in the blank. My grandma has a special ________ for making snacks
  • What do the numbers mean in Number Cakes?
    How much of each ingredient you need to use
  • How many cups of sugar should you use?
  • What do some cookbooks call the first cupcakes?
    Number cakes
  • Fill in the blank. To do well in the exam, you should ___________ your English vocab
  • What does "Recipe" mean?
    A set of instructions for making food
  • What numbers do you need to remember to make the number cakes
    1,2,3,4,1 and 1
  • What does "Remember" mean?
    To have or keep something in your mind
  • How many eggs should you use?
  • What does "Flour" mean?
    A powder made from a grain that is used for making bread, cakes, etc.
  • What does "sugar" mean?
    White or brown crystals used to make food sweet
  • Fill in the blank. I use a _______ to eat my soup
  • Fill in the blank. __________ is an ingredient for making a cake
  • What does "butter" mean?
    An ingredient made from milk that is spread on food or used in cooking