
Ch.27 and Review for Final

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  • #85 What was Roe v. Wade about?
  • #92 What was the Dust Bowl?
    drought in the Plains during the Great Depression
  • #53 court order to stop a strike
  • #38 Who was the first to make a nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean?
    Charles Lindbergh
  • #28 What social class were most al Qaeda terrorists from?
    Al Qaeda had Muslims from all social classes.
  • #33 Germany promised parts of the U.S. to Mexico in this telegram
    Zimmerman Note
  • #99 What is an injunction?
    a court order that stops a strike
  • #80 What are doughboys?
    American soldiers from WW1
  • #22 What religion was George W. Bush?
  • #29 What presidential candidate said, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion War in Iraq before I voted against it?"
    John Kerry
  • #18 liberal Obama Supreme Court nominee
    Elena Kagan
  • #32 year WW1 started
  • #57 situation that was the closest the Cold War ever came to nuclear war
    Cuban Missile Crisis
  • #56 protest in which MLK gave his "I Have a Dream" speech
    March on Washington
  • #81 What is November 11, 1918 known as?
    Armistice Day
  • #84 What was the Scopes trial about?
    the legality teaching evolution in public schools (1925)
  • #64 name for religious political conservatives
    the Religious Right
  • #31 his assassination sparked WW1
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand (and his wife!)
  • #58 forbade segregation in public places and discrimination in business
    Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • #106 Which amendment said that freedmen were citizens of the United States (at that anyone born here is a citizen)?
  • #8 radical Muslim government of Afghanistan
    the Taliban
  • #12 Bush's secretary of state
    Condoleeza Rice
  • #50 code name for WW2 atomic bomb program
    Manhattan Project
  • #62 only president that was never elected to office
    Gerald Ford
  • #52 racist Southern laws that restricted black Americans
    Jim Crow laws
  • #26 What did the presidential race between Al Gore and George W. Bush show about America?
    The people were very divided.
  • #2 lost the 2004 election
    John Kerry
  • #40 highly publicized trial about teaching evolution
    Scopes trial
  • #41 Prohibition amendment
  • #90 What is amnesty?
    group pardon
  • #66 proposed presidential power to take specific items out of the budget without Congress' approval
    line-item veto
  • #30 What scandal tarnished George W. Bush's image at the end of his first term?
    Abu Ghraib prison scandal in Iraq
  • #72 What country is the Taliban in control of?
  • #102 Which amendment guarantees freedom of religion?
  • #9 government department created in response to 9/11
    Homeland Security
  • #69 What year did Al Gore lose to George W. Bush?
  • #95 What is Social Security?
    the government program for old-age insurance
  • #13 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
    John G. Roberts Jr.
  • #108 Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
  • #93 What was the New Deal?
    FDR's plan to get out the Great Depression
  • #27 What senator switched from Republican to an independent, giving Democrats control of Senate?
    James Jeffords
  • #20 What was the main issue in the 2004 presidential election?
    national security
  • #54 tensions between the free world and the Communist world after WW2
    the Cold War
  • #51 "lightning war"
  • #79 What was the Zimmermann Note?
    A telegram from Germany to Mexico during WW1, that promised parts of U.S. land to Mexico, if Mexico would aid the Germans.
  • #23 What act of Congress made it easier for the U.S. government to fight terrorist threats at home in America?
    Patriot Act
  • #105 Which amendment guaranteed black men the right to vote?
  • #48 general that commanded Allied troops on D-Day
  • #61 proposed amendment to guarantee equal rights to women
    Equal Rights Amendment
  • #37 Who developed the assembly line for his Model T?
    Henry Ford
  • #70 What was controversial about the 2000 presidential election?
    George W. Bush had barely more electoral votes than Al Gore. Gore called for Florida's votes to be recounted because of "hanging chads".
  • #75 What happened in Benghazi in 2012?
    2 U.S. diplomatic compounds were attacked by terrorists
  • #16 place where 2 U.S. diplomatic compounds were attacked by terrorists in 2012
    Benghazi, Libya
  • #42 famous Chicago gangster boss
    Al Capone
  • #1 lost the close 2000 election
    Al Gore
  • #4 Bush's policy to deal with social problems
    compassionate conservatism
  • #86 What are reparations?
    payments that loser of the war has to make to victor
  • #71 What was the idea behind George W. Bush's compassionate conservatism?
    to help with social problems, not by giving out government money, but by working with religious organizations
  • #65 requirements that the government puts on businesses, but the government makes the business pay for them
    unfunded federal mandates
  • #96 What country was Benito Mussolini dictator of?
  • #91 Who was Al Capone?
    a famous Chicago gangster boss
  • #11 first Hispanic attorney general
    Alberto Gonzales
  • #83 What was the Red Scare?
    the general public's fear of Communism in the 1920s
  • #82 What is the American holiday that celebrates Armistice Day?
    Veterans Day
  • #104 Which amendment abolished slavery?
  • #21 What was Bush's policy of dealing with terrorist attacks?
    a preemptive strike
  • #3 deciding state in the 2000 election
  • #44 said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • #39 public fear of Communism in the 1920s
    Red Scare
  • #59 first (and only) president to resign
    Richard Nixon
  • #76 Explain George W. Bush's policy of preemptive strikes.
    Strike the terrorists at their bases before they attack.
  • #94 What is a recession?
    a slump in business or the economy
  • #5 terrorist group behind 9/11
    al Qaeda
  • #87 What was Henry Ford known for?
    the assembly line; Model T Ford
  • #68 trade agreement between US, Canada, and Mexico
  • #60 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion
    Roe v. Wade
  • #67 "scholarships" that give parents more choice in education
    educational vouchers
  • #19 leaked National Security Agency information to American citizens
    Edward Snowden
  • #98 What does the German word "blitzkrieg" mean?
    lightning war
  • #45 FDR's plan to get the nation out the Great Depression
    The New Deal
  • #73 What was the coalition of the willing?
    other countries that joined with the U.S. to fight Saddam Hussein
  • #63 a group pardon
  • #47 the government program for old-age insurance
    Social Security
  • #34 nickname for American soldiers from WW1
  • #6 leader of al Qaeda
    Osama bin Laden
  • #77 What did the Patriot Act do?
    It gave the government more power to fight alleged terrorists in America.
  • #107 Which amendment allowed the government to tax income?
  • #36 payments the loser of a war make to the winners
  • #88 What was Charles Lindbergh known for?
    He made the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • #46 a slump in business or the economy
  • #35 November 11, 1918
    Armistice Day
  • #24 What did George W. Bush call the war on terror?
    "the first war of the twenty-first century"
  • #43 drought in the Great Plains during the Great Depression
    Dust Bowl
  • #55 phrase that describes the division of free Europe and Communist Europe
    Iron Curtain
  • #101 Which amendment is the right to bear arms?
  • #15 replaced Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court
    Samuel Alito Jr.
  • #97 What was the Manhattan Project?
    the WW2 program to develop an atomic bomb
  • #10 group that attacked Saddam Hussein's forces
    coalition of the willing
  • #103 Which amendment guarantees freedom of speech?
  • #49 dictator of Italy during WW2
    Benito Mussolini
  • #7 date of worst attack in American history
    September 11, 2001
  • #17 common name for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  • #89 What was the 18th Amendment?
    the Prohibition Amendment, prohibit alcohol
  • #25 By 2000, what was true about the percentage of black Americans and Hispanic Americans?
    It was the same.
  • #78 What did George W. Bush call the "first war of the twenty-first century"?
    the War on Terror
  • #74 What position does John G. Roberts Jr. hold?
    Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  • #14 most immigrants to the U.S. today are these 2 ethnicities
    Hispanic and Asian
  • #100 What was the Cold War?
    tensions between U.S. and USSR after WW2