
J&H ch. 6-8

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  • In ch. 7 "Incident at the Window", when Enfield and Utterson see Jekyll in the window, how does he appear?
    sickly and pale
  • When Utterson visits Dr. Lanyon in ch. 6 "Incident of Dr. Lanyon" how does Lanyon appear?
    Near death, in shock, TERRIBLE
  • My virtue SLUMBERED is an example of
  • What happens when Utterson continues to ask Lanyon about Jekyll?
    Lanyon says he wants to hear no more about Jekyll and that Utterson can either leave or talk about something else
  • What do Utterson and Poole decide to do about the man inside the cabinet?
    They decide to break into the cabinet
  • After Lanyon dies, what does he leave for Mr. Utterson?
    An envelope with a message saying not to be opened unless Lanyon has died
  • How do Utterson and Enfield react to what they see at Jekyll's window in ch. 7?
    They are terrified -- they're blood ran cold
  • In ch. 7, what happens to Jekyll while he is chatting with Utterson and Enfield at his window?
    He begins to transform and has a crazy look of "abject terror and despair"
  • How do they servants react when they see Mr. Utterson arrive?
    They are happy, hoping he will be able to help them
  • What is inside the letter given to Mr. Utterson after Lanyon's death?
    Another letter, stating that it should not be opened unless Jekyll dies OR disappears
  • Why does Poole think the man in Jekyll's cabinet is not Jekyll?
    He thinks the voice that responds to him is different than Jekyll's
  • What does Utterson decide he is going to do at the end of ch. 8 before calling the police?
    Go home and read the letters from Lanyon and Jekyll's confession
  • Besides the new will, what else does Utterson find in Jekyll's cabinet?
    A letter telling him to read Lanyon's Narrative, and a confession written by Jekyll
  • What does Poole think has happened to Jekyll?
    Poole believes Jekyll was murdered 8 days ago
  • What evidence makes Utterson believe that Jekyll is actually still alive?
    The notes coming from the cabinet are in HIS handwriting
  • How are all of Jekyll's servants behaving when Poole and Utterson arrive?
    They are all scared and huddled together in the main hall
  • "Jekyll was now my city of refuge" is an example of
  • Utterson finds a new will in Jekyll's cabinet. What does it say?
    That Utterson is left all of Jekyll's belongings.
  • What decision does Dr. Jekyll make in regards to seeing other people?
    He will live in seclusion and see no one ever again
  • What do Utterson and Poole find inside the cabinet?
    The body of Hyde, dead
  • Who is Bradshaw?
    Jekyll's footman
  • What is the title of Ch. 8?
    The Last Night
  • How do Utterson and Poole discover that Hyde had killed himself?
    By poisoning
  • Why does Utterson go home at the end of ch. 8?
    To read the letter from Dr. Lanyon
  • What has the person inside the cabinet been instructing Poole to do, by passing notes to him?
    To find a specific type of chemical/drug
  • Who summons Utterson to go to Jekyll's house in Chapter 8?
  • According to Dr. Lanyon, why is he dying?
    He has had a "shock"