
Inversions C1

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  • He has never regretted the decision he took on that day. NEVER...
    Never has he regretted the decision he took on that day
  • Minutes after he had gone to sleep, there was a knock at the door. NO SOONER...
    No sooner had he gone to sleep than there was a knock at the door.
  • I have rarely read such a badly written novel. RARELY...
    Rarely have I read such a badly written novel.
  • I had just sat down when the train left. NO SOONER ...
    No sooner had I sat down than the train left.
  • I had only just destroyed the evidence when the police arrived. SCARCELY...
    Scarcely had I destroyed the evidence when the police arrived.
  • We only understood what he had really suffered when we read his autobiography. ONLY WHEN...
    Only when we read his biography did we understand what he had really suffered.
  • I spoke to the manager and the problem was sorted out. ONLY WHEN...
    Only when I spoke to the manager was the problem sorted out.
  • They only lit the fire when it was unusually cold. ONLY WHEN...
    Only when it was unusually cold did they light the fire.
  • We had just started to eat when we heard someone knocking on our door. HARDLY...
    Hardly had we started to eat when we heard someone knocking at the door
  • I didn't realise my mistake until years later. NOT UNTIL ...
    Not until years later did I realise my mistake
  • We did not put down our tools and rest until the sun set. NOT UNTIL...
    Not until the sun set did we put down our tools and rest.
  • I only realized the full scale of the disaster after I watched the news. ONLY AFTER
    I watched the news. Only then did I realize the full scale of the disaster.
  • We had never seen such magnificent scenery. NEVER ...
    Never had we seen such magnificent scenery
  • The hotel room was not only depressing, but it was cold as well. NOT ONLY...
    Not only was the hotel room depressing, but it was cold as well.
  • They not only disliked her, but they also hated her family. NOT ONLY...
    Not only did they dislike her, but they also hated her family