
Passive present simple and passive past simple

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  • The detective arrested the murderer
    The murderer was arrested by the detective
  • civil engineers build new roads
    new roads are built by civil engineers
  • Jamie counts the bats
    The bats are counted by Jamie
  • Barça signed Coutinho
    Coutinho was signed by Barça
  • Marc makes a lot of money for his company
    A lot of money is made for the company by Marc
  • Alexander Fleming invented penicilian
    Penicilin was invented by Alexander Fleming
  • teachers teach sciences in this school
    science is taught by teachers in this school
  • Mrs Jones found the treasure
    The treasure was found by Mrs Jones
  • The Italians didn't invent pasta, it was invented in China
    Pasta wasn't invented in Italy, it was invented in China
  • people bought all the fireworks for Sant Joan
    All the fireworks were bought for Sant Joan
  • Last week Jamie counted 100 bats
    Last week 100 bats were counted by Jamie
  • The head teacher awarded Cristian a prize
    Cristian was awarded a prize by the head teacher
  • People waste a lot of time
    A lot of time is wasted
  • people use plastic
    plastic is used
  • Barça bought Dembélé
    Dembélé was bought by Barça
  • Picasso painted Guernica in 1937
    Guernica was painted by Picasso
  • People in Asia eat rice
    Rice is eaten in Asia
  • Messi scored lots of goals for Barça
    Lots of goals were scored by Messi
  • JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter
    Harry Potter was written by JK Rowling
  • The company didn't offer Núria a job
    Núria wasn't offered a job by the company
  • Yesterday Martina hit Bradley
    Bradley was hit by Martina yesterday
  • people in Portugal speak Portuguese
    Portuguese is spoken in Portugal
  • Ghengis Khan didn't conquer Catalonia
    Catalonia wasn't conquered by Ghengis Khan
  • Real Madrid defeated the PSG players
    The PSG players were defeated by Real Madrid
  • The Vikings found America in 1021 AD
    America was found by the Vikings in 1021 AD
  • 350 million people play Fortnite
    Fortnite is played by 350 million people
  • Captain Hook didn't kill Peter Pan
    Peter Pan wasn't killed by Captain Hook
  • 28 people 'liked' my tweet
    My tweet was 'liked' by 28 people
  • Raul Tamudo won 2 Copa del Reys
    Two Copa del Reys were won by Tamudo
  • Ronaldo scored 311 goals for Real Madrid
    311 goal were scored for Real Madrid by Ronaldo
  • Gutenberg invented the printing press
    The printing press was invented by Gutenberg
  • Someone stole the Mona Lisa from The Louvre
    The Mona Lisa was stolen from The Louvre
  • Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell
  • The boys didn't eat all the cakes
    All the cakes weren't eaten by the boys
  • Someone completed the tasks
    The tasks were completed
  • people buy new cars
    new cars are bought