
First Grade

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  • Menciona 5 prendas del vocabulario de la ropa en inglés
    hat, sweater, blouse, pants, jeans, sunglasses...
  • What´s he doing?
    He is drinking milk. He´s drinking milk.
  • Haz una oración con This o That utilizando la imagen
    This is a black umbrella. That is a black umbrella.
  • Where is the crayons?
    The crayons are in the pencil case. They´re in the pencil case.
  • What is the meaning of "THEY´RE PLAYING CARD". ?
    Ellos están jugando cartas. Están jugando cartas.
  • Where are the earings?
    The earings are in the box. They´re in the box.
  • Menciona 3 gerundios en inglés
    Studying, Reading, Listening, Playing, Buying, Teaching...
  • Menciona 3 palabras del vocabulario de Email and Internet
    file, browser, underscore, point, dash, at...
  • Haz una oración utilizando "this o that"
    This is a red hat. That is a red hat.
  • What is the meaning of "UNDERSCORE"?
  • What´s She doing?
    She is sleeping. She´s sleeping.
  • What is the meaning of "THAT" ?
  • Where is the dog?
    The dog is under the table. It´s under the table.