
The Day I Needed Help Comp Quiz

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  • What is the boy chasing when he falls down the hill?
    A butterfly
  • What is the setting of the story?
    The hospital and the woods
  • What is an x-ray?
    A picture of a bone
  • What is the genre of this book?
    Fiction or Realistic Fiction
  • Why was the family walking through the woods.
    To have a picnic.
  • What is the problem in the story?
    The boy falls down the hill and his parents can't find him.
  • Why does the boy think he's been asleep and it looks dark.
    Because he was knocked out when he fell
  • Who finds the boy?
    The search and rescue team
  • How did Goldie find the boy?
    He smells his jacket?
  • Should the boy have walked away so far from his parents in the woods?
  • How do they carry the boy to the ambulance?
    On a stretcher
  • Who are the characters in the story?
    Mom, Dad, boy, Goldie, Doctor, Search and Rescue Team.
  • Was the boys ankle broken or sprained?
  • What did the man in the ambulance put the boys ankle in?
    A balloon cast or balloon thing